• Dr. Jin was recently interviewed by several media to discuss about how AI techniques can improve the prediction of soil carbon changes in the cropland. See StarTribune, SAP Insights, and Red River Farm Network for more details.
• Our group has led a study published in Nature Communications to significantly improve predictions of the carbon cycle using Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning (KGML). [open access link]
• Dr. Jin has received NSF’s prestigious CAREER Award to investigate the application of AI techniques for integrated carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and water management in the upper Mississippi river basin. See NSF’s project page for details.
• Leikun Yin has been awarded the very selective DSI-MnDRIVE fellowship for 2024-2025. Congratulations!
• A Remote Sensing of Environement paper led by Leikun Yin was published: Mapping smallholder cashew plantations to inform sustainable tree crop expansion in Benin.
• Our group will be part of the $20 million NSF AI-CLIMATE Institute and play a significant role in GHG quantification
• Chenxi has passed his dissertation defense, congratulations, Dr. Lin!
• Our group attended the AGU Fall 2022 meeting.
• A demo video for our recent project: cashew mapping.
• A Agriculutral and Forest Meterorology paper led by Yufeng Yang was published: Non-growing season N2O emissions call for mitigation strategies in the US Midwest.
• Our group has published several high impact studies, and all of them have been picked up by UMN news, EurekAlert!, ScienceDaily, and more.
• A Nature Climate Change paper led by Zhenong Jin: Critical benefits of snowpack for winter wheat are diminishing.
• A Geoscientifc Model Developement paper led by Licheng Liu: New study could help reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
• A Remote Sensing of Environment paper led by Chenxi Lin: Using technology to identify crop types early in the season, without entering the field.
• In partnership with Changhyun Choi’s group from ECE, we received a Seed Grant from Minnesota Robotics Institute to automate indoor strawberry yield prediction and harvesting!
• Yufeng Yang has been awarded the very selective UMII-MnDRIVE fellowship for 2022-2023. Congratulations!
• Our group has started two new projects to work on building smart and connected nutrient management communities (funded by the NSF S&CC program #2125626) and understanding and mitigating turfgrass winter stresses (funded by USDA SCRI #2021-51181-35861)!